Monday, June 8, 2009

Hopeful Rumour

We figure we are very close to getting our referral at this point since the CCAA has placed families up to and including 14 March 2006 and our Log-in Date (LID) is 21 March. There was an early rumour today that all of the month of March is currently being matched! Seems unlikely given that would mean a much larger batch of referrals than has been seen in some time - that said - we only need to get to the 21st! To think that it's a possibilty that we will see our baby girl's picture within a month is unbelievable and overwhelming given the length of our wait. We are so excited to see her little face. I hate to do it but I will be glued to Rumour Queen over the next couple of weeks waiting for the next rumour. Between that and all the nesting - I won't be getting much else done this month.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are DEFINITELY in the next batch!!! HHHOOOORAYYYYY ~ the wait will be over soon~!!!!
